Know the Basics: How to Write A Successful Email With Invoice + Examples

Whether you’ve recently started out or have been in business for years, email invoices are essential to running a business.

We all want to get paid on time, right?

Whether you’ve recently started out or have been in business for years, email invoices are essential to running a business. 

But imagine you’ve just finished a project for a client, and they haven’t sent you the money. You’re not even sure how to email an invoice, either. Luckily, there’s an easy way to keep track of how much money a client owes you by invoicing email. Before learning how to write an invoice email, let’s find out what exactly these invoicing emails are.

So, what is an email invoice?

In short, an email invoice is a formal payment request. It’s the perfect tool for sending email invoices without creating an invoicing email ourselves. It allows us to email an invoice directly from our inbox and track payments made by our clients. We can also send reminders to email an invoice late and set up automatic payment reminders so that no bill is ever missed. 

Sending an invoice email is one of the most essential parts of our business, but it can also be the most stressful. We must have the right tone, provide concise and accurate information, and make a solid argument. Not only that – we need to make sure that we don’t make a mistake so our clients can pay us as soon as possible and we don’t carry any debt over into the next month or quarter. 

So, if you’re wondering how to write an effective invoice email so that it gets read and paid (fast), we’ve got you covered! 

How to Send an Invoice Through Email?

Although just emailing an invoice without going through the trouble of writing anything more might be easier, we could come across as unfriendly. And no one wants that.

When writing an invoice email, it’s essential to keep this in mind:

  • Make it easy for someone busy (aka everyone) to understand what you’re asking from them. The purpose of an invoice email isn’t to tell a long story. It’s just giving someone the information needed so they can pay you and move on with their life. So, keep it short and simple. Start doing this from the beginning – using a clear subject line. 
  • Be polite but direct about payment terms. We sometimes might be shy when sending bills – but don’t be afraid to remind people how quickly you want them to pay for the services rendered. 
  • You can always ask for feedback. If you’ve recently sent out many invoices, it’s fair to ask about the process. You can ask how they felt about receiving an invoice email and whether they prefer it over other methods. 
  • Don’t make it too robotic. Your client knows this is an automated process, but try to personalize it so that it seems they didn’t just receive an email from a robot. This way, we can ensure that our email stands out from other automated emails. A simple way of doing that is by including the name and brief details of the project. 
  • Always check for any errors in spelling or grammar. The last thing we want is to look unprofessional in front of our clients. 
  • Besides keeping the email simple, make it easy for your clients to pay. Include all the necessary details they need and include a link to your online payment method or even a button for credit card payments. 
So, how to write an invoice email, and what should I include?

While the possibilities are endless, this is what you must include in your invoice email: 

  1. Always start your email with a thank-you note for doing business with them and reminding them of the work you completed. 
  2. Specify the total amount they owe and the invoice's due date while including details about any late fees or payment terms. 
  3. Attach a copy of the invoice to the email and make sure all the necessary information is included, such as your business name, contact information, and payment details. 
  4. End your email with a friendly yet professional closing.

Invoice Email Examples

Here’s an example of what we mean by everything we just said:

An example of an invoice email

Follow-up/Reminder invoice email

Sometimes our clients are too busy with their responsibilities and forget to pay the invoice immediately. It happens to all of us!

So, if the due date is approaching and your client still hasn’t paid, you might need to send another email with the invoice. However, this time you should write your email in a way that reminds them of the payment, so they’re not late. 

What do I write in a follow-up invoice email?

We know how uncomfortable these emails are – both for the sender and the receiver. But we are here to give you follow-up invoice email examples so you deal with this situation like a pro. 

A follow-up invoice email

But don’t forget that a professional email template for invoice will help you with your email without the trouble of writing the email. Not only will it streamline the process, but it also ensures that you don’t forget any essential details. 

Plus, let’s be honest – the template will make our invoice email look more professional and put together. This means that our clients will be more impressed and more likely to trust us. And we all know that when our clients trust us, they’re more likely to pay on time. It’s a win-win situation!

With all this information, good luck in getting the money you earned! 

Gabriel Pană
May 21, 2024

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