NDA – Contractual Elements

April 12, 2024

What information is covered by an NDA?

An NDA covers any information that is not publicly available and has value to the recipient. This includes:

  • Confidential information is information defined by federal law as "property" of the disclosing party. Under the law, this includes trade secrets (i.e., any commercially valuable plan, formula, process, or device). Still, it also has other types of sensitive data that are not necessarily secret (e.g., financial information). An NDA may protect against disclosure of some confidential information even if it isn't a trade secret.
  • Trade secrets include all non-publicly available proprietary business plans, processes, and technical know-how. These often fall under a company's internal restrictions on access and use by employees only.
  • Proprietary business plans include designs for products or services, often under a company's internal rules on access and use by employees only.
  • Financials refer to accounting records containing specific financial data such as sales figures or pricing structures.

Who can sign an NDA?

We can sign an NDA with anyone, including ourselves. In fact, we may want to do that if we're working on something confidential and don't want to share it with any other people.

If someone else is involved in the agreement, they'll also need to sign it. Suppose we're signing an NDA with a company. In that case, we have to make sure there's someone with the authority to sign. The same goes for signing NDAs with individuals—they need to be authorized by their employer or organization, if possible, before signing anything on their behalf.

Suppose multiple parties are involved in deciding what information should remain confidential. In that case, each one has an equal say in whether or not they want those details kept secret from everyone else involved in creating them together. However, this also means they are only allowed access with everyone else's approval first!

What happens if someone violates the terms of the NDA?

There are legal consequences if you violate the terms of a non-disclosure agreement. If someone breaches their NDA, they could be sued by the other party for damages. The amount of money awarded to them would depend on how severe their violation was and how many people had been exposed to it.

However, NDAs aren't legally binding if no money is exchanged or services are rendered in exchange for them. Such as in cases where two people are entering into an employment contract.

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Why do I need a contract management platform?

A contract management platform is your best friend in growing your business. It helps you save money, time, and so much stress by eliminating repetitive tasks. This is where we at DocStrat come in! 

So, now, you have access to a complete all-in-one business management platform that is your solution for every legal, administrative, customer relations, and sales task. From contracts and invoice automation to an excellent CRM system to task management and calendar, you can manage and maintain all your business in one place. 

No more chaos. No more manual work. No more time spent juggling multiple tools and systems. We want to help you do it faster and better! And that’s why we have a platform for everything you need for your business.


Who can use a contract management platform?

The best thing about this is that everyone can use it. Whether you’re a freelancer, a small startup, or even an enterprise, a contract management system will 100% benefit you and your business. It ensures that you can increase your productivity and achieve your goals much faster than before. Now, you can focus on what truly matters – the success of your business. 


Do I need a team license?

It only depends on how you want to work and how large your team or company is. You can have a solo license, a team license for five users, and even an enterprise license for more than ten users. 

If you’re a solo freelancer, you can opt for the Basic package, and if you’re a small company with just one delegated person, the Standard package might be a suitable option. However, if you’re a company with multiple teams, you might want to consider a Team or Enterprise license.


How do I purchase a license for my entire team?

Depending on your team’s size and needs, you can purchase a license that can be shared and used by everyone on your team: Team Licence – for teams of up to 5 users, and Enterprise license – for large teams with 10+ users.


Can I upgrade my license?

Yes, absolutely! Contact us, and we’ll simply deduct the amount you paid for the actual package with the price for the license you want, and you’re good to go! You can immediately use the upgraded version of the platform. 

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